WIN Communications is the fastest growing media network in Trinidad and Tobago. It comprises three arms: WIN TV, WIN Radio 101.1FM and WIN Events. WIN broadcasts on Channels 7,37 and 39 and Cable Channel 12 in Trinidad and Tobago, and on to the world.
WIN Radio is heard on 101.1FM in Trinidad and Tobago, and all over the world.
WIN TV and WIN Radio have not only become premier providers of Indian content, but the Network has become a major player in the entire market.
This has been achieved through bold, unique, cutting-edge Current Affairs programming, such as the thrilling Crime Watch with Ian Alleyne, a show fast becoming the most viewed, and influential programme in the country.
Unique interactive News, original business shows and multi award-winning Medical programmes compliment this initiative.
WIN Communications is also the Exclusive Media Network for several major events including Divali Nagar, The International Chutney Music Awards, The National Phagwa Festivities, The National Tassa Competition, and The Mr. and Ms. India Trinidad and Tobago Pageant to name a few.
We also carry live the Brooklyn Labour Day Parade from New York, the Annual Maracas New York Mother’s Day Concert, The Miami Carnival, and soon Caribana from Toronto as well as Nottinghill.
Apart from our LIVE shows and programmes, WIN Events puts on several concerts and events for our fans (check schedule of events). These include the annual Choka Chutney/curry duck cookout, the Wet Fete, International acts, Hallowin and much more.
Win Radio 101.1FM meantime is already a household name, boasting the top names in the entertainment industry, led by Head Announcer Rikki Jai, we also have the country’s number one Chutney/Crossover producer Big Rich, backed up by the exciting talents of DJ Sean, DJ Greg, Ambheka, DJ Din, Tynille Kissoon, Shirvani Sookhai, Adesh Samaroo and more.
It is a fresh, dynamic new station, which represents the future of Indian entertainment in Trinidad and Tobago, Rikki Jai’s drive-time Programme being the most requested among the Indian radio stations.
Over the past year, EVERY event held by 101.1FM has been sold out!
Additionally WIN TV is the number one producer of local and original content among all the local National Networks.
Our innovative business model has allowed us to experience rapid growth over the past year and a half.
The local market has been clamouring for WIN TV, and now, because of our unique and original programming, we are also part of a subscription service in the UK called Caribeye TV.
We have set up WIN TV Canada Inc. and by year’s end should be Rogers Cable system in Canada, catering to the millions of people who make up the Diaspora in that country. This initiative will be rolled out to access DirecTV also.
We are proceeding with plans to provide WIN TV as a service in the Caribbean market also, and will roll out in Jamaica, Barbados, Curacao and Suriname.
We are pursuing discussions with Cable Providers in the United States who are looking for High Definition stations to provide to subscribers.
Our expansion projects both internally and externally position WIN Communications as the premier provider of both Indian Programming, as well as News and Current Affairs programming locally, to North America and the world.